We always want to hear from happy customers. If you’ve got a great story about how our products helped protect you, we want to know about it. Please submit your contact info so somebody from our team can reach out!
Shipping War’s Marc Springer
Marc saves his truck with a HERD!


Cody W.
“Last summer we had a driver hit a cow. This is all that happened to the bumper. Truck drove away from the crash to the closest pullout and was hauled home just to be safe, but sure held up nice!”

Ray, via “ChromeMomma” Lisa, at Raney’s Truck Parts
“I recently had the opportunity to speak to a man named Ray located out of Washington. It was an interesting week because I was receiving at least two calls a day for Grille Guards. The problem: Mating season for Buck! The solution: Grille Guards!
Ray began to tell me he needed to replace his original Texas Bumper due to an accident. He told me this investment saved his life and he had no downtime after a recent nearly head-on collision. He wanted to replace the one he got to protect him again. He told me it paid for itself! We can see how. The car hit almost on the end of the guard and took nearly all of the impact. The car was totaled. He had zero down days due to the guard protecting his fender, lights, and well, all of his truck! He said this was an investment others should also make!
Ray’s new guard will be delivered soon and he is a forever HERD Customer!”

Brian T.
“Ever since I put HERD Texas bumpers on my trucks 18 years ago, they haven’t been in a body shop once!”

Robert B.
“I’m so thankful that I invested in this truck guard. It could have been really bad if I didn’t have the HERD Super Road Train. My tractor was still drivable after an 80mph deer impact. HERD saved me from downtime and loss of money. My truck is drivable and insurance will replace my HERD Guard. I think if I didn’t have the guard, I wouldn’t be able to work. I stand by your product and I tell everyone to get one. This is my 3rd HERD Truck Guard. Thank you for a good product!”

Dustin B.
“I’ve hit 8 deer with this truck since it was brand new. The only damage it has is to the bumper itself. To say that the HERD bumper has paid for itself is an understatement.”

Wade K.
“I hit a deer last night at 70mph and I’m so thankful for having your HERD defender bumper on my 2001 Freightliner Classic. It saved me from major damage.”

Seth E.
“I was hit head on by a logging trailer that slid into my lane. If it wasn’t for that bumper, my truck would be wrote off. My new one is a size bigger HERD now. Worth every penny.”

Cody J.
“These bumpers are 110% worth it!! I love mine, I’ve struck 2 deer in my Ram 3500, and its always been just a smudge mark on the aluminum!”

Cole V. and Jade Transport Services
Cole’s public post: “Anyone running the North country without a moose bumper is wild, even in an aero truck with a moose bumper this would have been very different! Thank god for Rick [driver] and our HERD bumper that kept this truck on the road and capable of safely pulling over after striking a full grown bull moose. What most people don’t know is that without that bumper the moose likely would have taken out that passenger steer likley resulting in the truck wrecking in to the ditch. Great Job as always, Rick. Glad you’re ok.”
Cole’s message to us: “My whole fleet is outfitted with HERD bumpers and last night it saved my drivers life. Thanks for a great product and you’ll be seeing another order as soon as I know if they’ll fix this truck or I need to order one. Keep up the good work and feel free to send my thanks to all staff!”

Frank W.
Thank you HERD for saving my life!! Definitely a believer! I am placing an order for my next bumper. I’m going with a Super Road Train this go around. Thanks so much!
February 22, 2023, I was involved in a 5 vehicle accident on US40 in Western Colorado. Was whiteout blizzard conditions causing traffic to stop in lane of travel. Made contact with the tractor/trailer that had stopped for vehicle ahead of him because of visibility. The trailer was a Landall Equipment mover loaded with a rearward facing gooseneck trailer loaded heavy with shoring timbers. The gooseneck extended over the rear of the trailer by 10/12 feet. That came through the center of the hood/engine compartment of my Peterbilt taking out my windshield and dash. Stopping just short of going through myself thanks to my HERD bumper. The rear of the Landall cut my bumper in half but it definitely did its job. Firm believer. Telling everyone.

Nick N.
Thank you so much. Literally saved me weeks of downtime and thousands of dollars in damage. The truck had zero damage, thanks to your bumper!

Ernest S.
I hit a mule deer with my HERD on my T-680. It was so loud I still expected major damage until I got out and checked. It did its job. Saved me the drama of being disabled in remote central Colorado, without the protection, would have typically required an expensive tow, body shop month-long waits, dealing with customer load obligations like a costly transfer, insurance hikes, a truck rental, or no income earning until fixed, a potential loss of control and worse wreck if the front suspension was compromised at these speeds, other possible accidents with other motorists sitting disabled on a fast mountain highway with blind curves, etc., etc. I can not imagine driving a non-protected truck without heavy proven protection of this heavy-hitting bumper for these common hazards. Solid enough not to require replacement of this bumper as well. A must-have investment to avoid delays and drama.
@TruckLife on TikTok – HERD Testimonial
Alan talks about HERD’s gift to him as well as his experience with HERD Guards.

Testimonial – Volvo VN Owner
Fergus 2012 Truck Show & Shine Winner shares road stories on animal stikes with his Volvo VN and his HERD Aluminum full bumper replacement grill guard.

Freightliner Coronado hits a 1200lb Moose – Saved by a HERD
This Coronado was only 41 days old when it collided with a full grown moose, taller than hood of the truck, at 102 KM / hour. Damage was only $54 and 20 minutes at the truck wash to clean up all the mess. The HERD Moose Bumper saved the truck and the owner shows you the details in the video.

Rakowski Cartage & Wrecking – Using HERD Moose Bumpers
Bob Molter, Manager of Rakowski Cartage & Wrecking explains the reasons why protecting his fleet with HERD moose bumpers makes sense for them.

Shipping Wars’ Marc Springer saves his truck with a HERD Moose Bumper
Marc Springer (aka Springman) explains how his HERD Super Road Train helped save the day when a car decided to turn into him at highway speeds.

Calvin G. Testimonial for his Kenworth T-660 HERD Aero 2 Post with Vertical Tubes
Owner Operator for 32 years protects all of his trucks with HERD Animal Protection guards. Shown here on a 2010 Kenworth T-660. A HERD Aero 2 Post with Quick Release locking system option and vertical tubes.

Ryan D.
I had a siezure going down the road. As of now its cause is unknown. I crossed over to the oncoming lane with no one coming at me. Hit a telephone pole, snapped it off with the bumper and the steering axle caught the lower portion of the pole and pushed in backwards. Then the bumper caught 6 white pine trees on the other side of the ditch. I’ve never had a truck with one of your bumpers on until now. I am fully impressed with the construction and thankful it was on the truck. I bought the truck back from the insurance company and plan to fully rebuild the truck. The bumper kept the frame rails straight and I can still open the bumper and hood.

I’ve hit 10 deer and one horse with my SRT (Super Road Train). The deer never really do anything. The horse broke the spring shackle horns off my truck and the whole bumper came off and smashed my hood in but without the HERD, this truck would have been totaled. I wouldn’t run a truck without a HERD.

Matt B.
After hitting a 600lbs elk… other than the damage to the bumper just the head light and a few things down the driver side. The unusual cold weather and the fact it was hunting season drove the elk down. I was the 5th to hit one that night the sheriff said and I was the only one who drove away. There was an oncoming truck on a 2 lane highway when I hit it. If it wasn’t for the bumper, the elk would have taken my left steer tire out and who knows what would have happened. For such a big animal your bumper is by far the best life/truck insurance I have ever purchased! Thank you!